Wander with me in the rollercoaster ride of emotions as I muddle through the journey of life

About Me

This is a journey of sailing with words to connect with you all. I don’t know each one of you, but in some way or other if my posts are able to bring some positive difference in your life then I have achieved my goal.

Though an Engineer & MBA by training, I am a writer at heart. I started this journey while going through a difficult phase in my life and writing was the only way I could come to terms with my emotions. The more I wrote, the more I realized that my emotions resonated with people.

During this period of life I also found that Travelling is the best escape route to these situations and I have tried to pen my adventures as well.

So come join me on this rollercoaster ride as I muddle through this journey called life.

Sonal Gupta

Emotions & travel BLOGGER

Our minds wander & Our hearts ponder.

Wandering Ladki is my journey of emotions and how travelling has become my escape goat. Wandering Ladki exists in each one of us.

Sonal Gupta

My Personal Favourites

Europe Tour

My Personal Favourites

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